Fescue & Blue Mix For Shade

This mix is specifically designed for shady areas and creates a thick, green turf, environment that recovers quickly.

Varieties subject to change dependent upon availability.


Fescue & Blue Mix For Shade

Premium Turf-Type Tall Fescue & Blue Blend

  • Lateral Spread Technology
  • 0% Crop, 0% Weed
  • Best shade mix for extreme Midwest conditions
  • No creeping red of chewing fescues
  • A-LIST approved for sustainable turf
  • Fescue & Blue Mix For Shade is made up of 10% Dynamite LS, 40% Firecracker SLS, 20% Avenger II, 20% Blueray Hardtop Fescue, and 10% Zinger


Varieties subject to change dependent upon availability.