Dyna Mix Raised Bed Media - Classic

Dyna Mix is the right soil mix for your raised bed planting bed, landscape, or growing containers. It is GREEN GOLD for your raised bed garden.


Dyna Mix Raised Bed Media – Classic

Dyna Mix is the right soil mix for your raised bed planting bed, landscape, or growing containers. It is GREEN GOLD for your raised bed garden.

  • Light and friable texture makes it easy to work
  • Roots grow vigorously in the oxygen rich mix
  • Good drainage while retaining water in root zone
  • Contains our tried and proven blend of compost, rice hulls and peat moss
  • We have developed these blends with months of experimentation in our greenhouses and in our raised beds. They have proven to be the best.
  • Dyna Mix is so workable; planting and harvesting can be done with your hands
  • Makes gardening more enjoyable and easier
  • Crops will be healthier and yields will increase
  • A raised bed 8’ x 4 ’x 1’ needs 15 x 2 cubic foot bags
  • Free from soil diseases, insects and weed seeds. Hummert recommends adding Nutri-Blend.